Prora the lost world Wikia

The Imperial Empire was once the greatest nation of Prora but after losing Varren favor they slowly fell from power.


The Empire is inhabited by Imperials and ruled by Grim Ambercrown the immortal emperor

The Grimspear hold lies within the empire


The imperial Empire once ruled almost all of the known world through an intricate set of colonies, bureaucratic support, and a vast teleportation network and was the first civilization to rise from the ashes and bring an end to the Black Age. Grim Ambercrown and Varen is largely credited to the empires early success.


Imperials have a deep love of all things luxurious and fine. no single race represents the imperials as the empire was made up of many bands of survivors and refugees when it was founded and so has a widely diverse population. the empire highly values military service and magic powers with pervious military service being a requirement for most government roles.

List of settlements

current list of city's, town's, and villages within the empire


  • Stormhold ( Capital )
  • Oakvale
  • Pensla


  • Milled
  • Easton
  • Split



the imperial military is highly magic focused with the average imperial squad consisting of 25 solders with at least 5 members being wizards.
